Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Tofield Municipal Library provides a safe and welcoming space with free and open access to a broad range of materials and services to people of all ages and backgrounds. The library is committed to the educational growth of youth and providing a venue for lifelong learning of adults.

Our Values

The foundation of librarianship rests on an essential set of core values that define, inform, and guide our daily practices as librarians. We build on a proud history of care for the community with ongoing development and understanding of our community members and their needs.  

These Values include: 

  1. Equity 
  2. The library strives to have equal and equitable access to materials for patrons through a variety of technologies, formats and methods of delivery.  
  3. Confidentiality/Privacy 
  4. The library protection of patron privacy and confidentiality is necessary for intellectual freedom and fundamental to the ethics and practice of librarianship.  
  5. Diversity 
  6. The library values individual needs, experiences and differences and creating a safe gathering place for all to gather.  
  7. Inclusion 
  8. The library welcomes participation in decision making and service development by residents and communities. 
  9. Innovation 
  10. The library encourages creativity, experimentation and the generation of ideas. 
  11. Accountability 
  12. The library takes responsibility for our actions and the services we provide. We are accountable to public funds and the legal and ethical responsibility we have as trustees of those funds to ensure a future for the library.  
  13. Service Orientation 
  14. The library strives to provide excellent and responsible services through information that we provide, services we offer, and training to ensure qualified staff.